Sunday, February 19, 2012

Saw 3

I'm not even going to bother going over a synopsis of the plot. All you horror fans need to know is that this movie surpasses the first film, but in my opinion, it doesn't stand up to the second film in terms of suspense. Saw 3 is the goriest, most disturbing of the films. It seems like 2006 was the year of gore! First came Hostel, with it's torture and blood, then came The Hills Have Eyes, with it's rape, animal killings, parent killings and brutality, and now comes Saw 3...With it's flesh tearing, bone breaking, head twisting, gore splattered shock-fest. I have NEVER, in all my years of watching horror, had to actually cover my own ears and close my eyes while watching more than one scene in a movie before this one. The opening scene had me squirming in my seat with my lids tightly shut (after 15 seconds into the scene I had to mute the tv because I was so grossed out by the noises) and the scene involving a victim trapped in a device that "TWISTS" every limb on his body until the skin tears and the bones break made me want to literally vomit. But, still, the movie was very suspensful and horrifying. It kept you watching and interested. If you can stomach extreme gore and terror then you might enjoy this film. I have to admit that I REALLY hated the ending though. I can't even explain how upset it made me, but overall, the movie was very scary and disturbing. Better than the first, not as good as the second...give it a try...but do it on an empty stomach!!

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