Since I love scary movies,I will update this blog of what movies I like to watch or seen or recommend you to watch. Feel free to leave comments on any of the movie trailers.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Yellow Brick Road (2011)
Name Your Link
The movie starts out as a black and white documentary about an incident in 1940 where a village/town of people all take off walking down a trail. Only one person survived and he was a bit crazy. Bodies were found along the trail, many more missing.
Years later Teddy Barnes, teacher and writer (Michael Laurino) manages to obtain the records and decides to investigate in order to publish a book. The team goes to the co-ordinates of the trail head only to find a movie theater. Teddy decides to go into the theater and talk to the counter girl/projectionist who tells him a bizarre tale of how the original Oz movie was playing at the time of the incident. She (Laura Heisler) is over eager to help them go down the Yellow Brick Road, a sign that marks the trial.
She takes them to the trail. There is a psychologist(Alex Draper) on the trip who is constantly filming individuals and asking them questions as a sanity check. This gives the movie the annoying feel of those reality type movies. Also in the team is his wife Melissa (Anessa Ramsey) and Daryl and Erin Luger (Clark Freeman and Cassidy Freeman). Cy (Sam Elmore) and Jill (Tara Giordano) round out the team as they head on down the trail laced with belladonna. The movie develops slowly as small things happen. Daryl finds a hat that is from the era, but seems new. Jill's GPS goes haywire, one minute they are in Guam, the next Italy. They joke about it.
They hike for five days in Northern NH (is that possible?) and they come to a field (poppies?) and they hear music. Their instruments are not working properly and they know something is at work, but what? They speculate: Solar flares? Earth magnetism? Government experiment? The music becomes addicting. Emotions flare...
Good acting. Nice New England accent by Laura Heisler. I enjoy horror/mystery/thrillers and this one was exceptionally good, even though the ending didn't offer an explanation as to the events.
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